Congratulation, you have a new project. But the project is so big that various teams are involved. Which you need to organize.

Communication is vital in all projects. But you do not need to make the process too complicated. I propose that you set up at least one regular meeting with all the stakeholders. Depending on the team’s sizes, only invite one or two people per team. It does not help if 90% of attendees sit there and don’t say anything. And the more actively participating persons you invite, the longer the meeting needs to be. And nobody likes meetings which take too long.

I would divide the meeting into three sections. Start with a short presentation of milestones achieved since the last meeting. I would plan around one-quarter of the meeting time for this part. Ask the presenters to be prepared so you don’t lose time with tech issues. Then use the next two-quarters of meeting time to discuss the work until the next appointment. Keep it high level and pay attention that the discussions don’t drift into too many details. If needed, organize follow-up meetings to discuss the details. This schedule gives you another quarter for any unexpected questions or topics. And otherwise allows you to end the meeting early – everybody will love you for it ;-). There’s nothing better than a meeting regularly ending on time or early – it shows respect to your attendees.

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