Chris V

Hello my name is Chris, and I'm a software developer hoping to help my fellow coders.

How to take a nap at the office with limited space?

After half of my day, my brain shuts down with brain fog. The only thing which helps me is taking a nap. Sleeping is impossible at the office because don't have space.

How to fight against a scattered brain after researching a new topic for hours

When I work or research a topic I have no experience with, I notice that after some hours, I get super tired and can't focus on the problem anymore.

Can I extract data from a website that is missing an API?

I need data from a website, and they don't provide an API to consume the data. What can I do here? And how complicated or challenging will it be to do?

How does the array filter function work?

What is the best way to filter an array? I know there is a filter function, but I don't know what I need to put between the curly brackets.

I found a library solving my issue, but I would only use a single part of this existing complex library – should I use it or write my solution instead?

Should you use a library when only a tiny part of its functionality is relevant to your application? Or would you be better of in writing the needed code yourself?

When should I be using libraries rather than figuring out on how to code it myself?

How do you know when it's time to use a library instead of coding something yourself? Perhaps you don't yet have any industry experience in this field or are unsure how to balance your code and external dependencies.